Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 4

Today we went to the scene shop to continue working on our strobe photos. The first strobe photo we took was of a slinky going down stairs. It took some time to figure out how much time we needed to keep the camera open, but eventually we got a good picture. 
The second photo was of Mackenzie walking down the stairs. This one was tricky to light because the strobe doesn't light up a huge area, so we had to hold the strobe and follow Mackenzie down in order to light her up completely in the photo. 
Then Emily tried a cartwheel again. This time we figured out that holding the strobe and following her will light her up in the picture. We also figured out that making the strobe flash at a slower speed will make it easier to see her movement. 
We also tried to wave a feather boa in front of the camera to make a cool "wave" type picture, but it didn't turn out so well. 
But all in all, today was a very successful day! 

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