The past week we have been working on trying to get our trigger photos to work. On Monday, we couldn't find the flash so we looked everywhere for it. That took up most of our class time and we didn't get anything done that day.
On Wednesday, we still didn't have the second flash so we had to split the class time Shane and Ben. We learned that putting a white tissue paper over the flash will decrease the intensity. This really helped bring the exposure down! We smashed 3 light bulbs with the contact trigger. The first one missed the trigger and the flash didn't go off... the second one hit the trigger, but the flash went off too soon so we only got a picture of the light bulb BEFORE it broke. The third one broke, the flash went off, but it didn't show much of it breaking. It wasn't quite what we were looking for.
On Thursday, today, we found the flash! We now started brain storming ideas of what to do for our final picture. We came up with the idea of hitting balloons filled with paint as a strobe picture so that the balloons will all be popping in the colorful picture. We tried to see what it would look like and how it would work today. We popped balloons with nothing in them, but the pictures didn't really turn out.. we need to still work a little on figuring this out.
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