Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 16

On Thursday, we took some awesome pictures of a light bulb's filament. First, we need lightbulbs, a bunsen burner, matches, a huge beaker, lots of ice, goggles, and gloves. We took the light bulb and held it over the bunsen burner's flame for about 10 seconds. Then we stuck the light bulb's top into the ice water and it broke open. The filament, however, was still in tact. With the filament, we were able to take a high speed picture of the filament burning when you turn the light on. The first shot we took was a fail because the exposure was too high for the camera. But then we placed another light bulb, already lit up, next to the filament so the camera would have already adjusted. This worked! We got some great pictures of this.

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