Friday, May 27, 2011

Water Drops

On our last Wednesday and Thursday, we decided to try one more picture. Mr. Peterson sent us some cool pictures of shapes that water makes when you drop different color water droplets into it. We decided to try this. We took a bowl of clear water. We put a cup of water with sugar (to make the water thicker) and with red dye to make it a different color. We then put a white lid under the bowl so that we could see the water better. Then we took the high speed camera and used the 30 pictures per 1 second thing on the camera. We dropped drops of red water into the clear water. This took a few tries and we had to adjust how we did things. Like at first, we couldn't get the camera to focus. Shane told us to put the dropper into the water, focus the camera on that, then take it out and drops the water and it will focus better. It worked! And this is a good picture that we got:

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